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First month of life

The first month of life is the most difficult period for parents and child. Both the baby and the parents adapt to the new life.


At this age, with the natural development of a child, there is no and cannot be any regime. Feedings are quite chaotic both in duration and frequency.

There may be 20 breastfeedings per day, with each feeding lasting 20-40 minutes. In the evening, the frequency of applications usually increases.

The longest break between feedings can be at night and it should not last more than 4.5 hours.


What should you pay special attention to in the first month?

  1. Weight gain. This is the main indicator of whether the child has enough nutrition. By 14 days of life, the baby should weigh the same or more than the weight at which he was born. Gains should be a minimum of 140 g per week after birth weight has returned.

  2. Rare bowel movements and urination. After 6 days of life and up to 6 weeks, the baby should have daily bowel movements and at least 6 heavy diapers per day. Urine should be light, not concentrated. Meconium should be completely passed by 4-5 days of life.


Colic. Often mothers call everything that is associated with the baby’s crying colic. But a child can worry for many reasons: the desire to go to the toilet, scary without his mother, cold, hot, wet, and so on.

Colic is defined as a baby's crying that occurs around 3 weeks of age, occurs at least 3 times a week, and lasts for about 3 hours at a time. This type of crying stops on its own at the age of about 3 months.


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